
Pennsylvania Live Staking Collection Volunteer Opportunities

  • Tuesday, April 23, 2024. 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. – Lycoming, PA

Live stakes are branch cuttings from wetland tree and shrub species that can be planted into the ground alongside streams, they root readily and eventually grow into viable and successful trees. These live stake plantings help to stabilize the streambanks to stop sediment from eroding into the waterways as well as filter nutrients and other pollution from upslope runoff. They also provide food and shade to the water and the organisms that live there, such macroinvertebrates or fish. Live stakes are especially great because the methods that we use are super simple and super low cost.

Chesapeake Conservancy will be collecting and planting these live stakes through a series of upcoming volunteer opportunities. Come out and join our team to help protect and restore our Pennsylvania streams. Exact coordinates for meeting locations are in the registration link and will be communicated to volunteers.

Register here.

Promoting Ecosystem Resiliency Through Native Plant Collection and Cultivation

When: Monday, June 3, 2024. 12pm-1pm

Environmental and conservation partners in Pennsylvania are implementing many methods to promote climate resiliency and protect the quality of streams and waterways. This webinar will discuss several programs throughout the commonwealth which utilize native plant material collection and cultivation. You will hear from experts about Chesapeake Conservancy’s overall stream restoration strategy, how native seed collection is a part of that, how it is being utilized by other partners and how you can implement similar strategies in your location of the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

With Special Guests:

  • Carly Dean, Director of Chesapeake Tributaries Strategies, Chesapeake Conservancy
  • Kelly Sitch, Forest Biologist, Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
  • Shannon Thomas, Project Coordinator, Chesapeake Conservancy
  • Matthew Wilson, Director of the Freshwater Research Institute, Susquehanna University

Register here.

Saltworks Creek Volunteer Cleanup

When: Saturday, June 8, 2024, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Where: End of Moran Drive, Annapolis, MD

A new park is coming to Anne Arundel County! Chesapeake Conservancy has recently purchased a pristine wooded property in Annapolis to prevent its development. We will be hosting a spring cleanup event for volunteers along with our friends at MORE-MTB to get the space ready for all to visit and enjoy.

Register here.